I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who organized last Wednesday evening’s farewell event, the members of the PPC and the Finance Committee, the parish secretary, Lorraine, and many others. It was for me a most memorable and moving few hours, made all the more special by the presence of so many of my family. I was humbled by all that was said about me, and even more so by the generosity of the gift that I received. I cannot express fully how appreciative I am of your wonderful generosity. The parish of Saint John the Baptist and its parishioners will continue to have a very special place in my heart. I known I will always be drawn back there. I hope I will be able to keep in contact with many of you in some small way, even if it is only to say hello when I am back walking on the seafront or shopping locally. I pray God’s blessing on the parish community and I ask you to keep me in your prayers as I continue to settle into Finglas Parish,

Fr Martin