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Jesuit’s Sacred Space

Parish News & Events


800th anniversary of the Canonization of St Laurence O'Toole. 10th May – 12th May 2025. Three-day Pilgrimage with Fr Ivan Tonge. Details attached here:Anniversary Pilgrimage 2025  

Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion

From Friday 21st June and until further notice we will be have a Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion on Fridays at 10.00 am. There will no Mass on those mornings. Exposition will take place as usual after the service until 11.30 am.

World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly: 28th July 2024

Pope Francis established a World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly which took place for the first time on Sunday 25 July 2021. Second time on Sunday 24 July 2022. Third time on Sunday 23 July 2023. Fourth time on Sunday 28 July 2024 The World Day for Grandparents...

Pathways: Exploring Faith & Ministry

Have you ever wanted to know more about your faith? Are you looking for a course that can help you grow in your ministry? Pathways is an Adult Faith formation programme run by the Archdiocese aimed at all adults, members of PPCs and those in parish ministry. It is a 2...


In his homily for the Feast of St Kevin at St Mary’s Pro-Cathedral on Monday, June 3, Archbishop Farrell said: The Church is called to work actively towards restoring a living heart to our cities. The centre of a city – its heart – needs people, and people need worthy...

Reflection on Today’s

Gospel Reading

Saturday, Sixteenth Week in Ordinary Time

We are all familiar with weeds in our gardens. We have a tendency to root them out immediately. However, sometimes the weeds are so close to the shrub or flower that to take out the weed risks disturbing the plant. We sometimes have to let the weeds be for the sake of the plant. We are also aware in recent times that the flowers which weeds generate can be great pollinators for our bees. We are now being told not to be rooting out our dandelions so quickly and ruthlessly. Weeds are making a comeback! In the parable that Jesus speaks in today’s gospel reading, the servants of the landowner wanted to pull up the weeds that had appeared among the wheat. However, the landowner himself was a more patient man. He was aware that pulling up the weeds could pull up some wheat as well and he advised letting both weed and wheat grow until harvest time, and then they could be separated. There is always a deeper meaning to Jesus’ parables. He wasn’t primarily talking about gardens or fields of wheat. After all, he began the parable with the words, ‘the kingdom of God may be compared to…’. Jesus was really talking about God and how God relates to us. He is suggesting that God can be patient with our weaknesses because God recognises that they are often closely aligned with our strengths. An angry person may have a passion for justice; a lazy person may be a great listener; an overly anxious person may be very dutiful and conscientious. God recognizes that we are all a mixture of wheat and weed, of good and evil, of strength and weakness and he is patient with our mixture. We need to be patient too, with ourselves and with others. In striving after a perfect garden, a gardener risks doing harm as well as good. In striving too hard to make ourselves perfect or, more worryingly still, to make others perfect, we risk doing as much harm as good. We need to learn to live with the mixture we and others are, while celebrating and working to enhance all that is good there.

