First Holy Communion Programme

Do This in Memory

I am the bread of life: whoever come to Me will never hunger,
and whoever believes in Me will never thirst.
John 6:35

Do This in Memory is a parish based programme of preparation for First Holy Communion that is centred in the parish celebration of the Sunday Eucharist, in the local schools and in the home. The programme takes place once a month during the 10.00 am Family Mass over the seven months prior to the children making their First Holy Communion.

A team of approximately 12 parents/guardians meet to discuss the theme of the upcoming Mass and to agree the allocation of jobs to the children enrolled in the Programme. The Team help with preparing the children to pray the Creed, the prayers of the faithful, organising the Opening and Offertory procession.

The commitment involved is two hours a month from October to April. This is broken into a short meeting on the Monday night before the Sunday Mass, a few minutes during the week to deliver prayers/source a gift etc. and an hour and a half for the Mass on the Sunday.

First Holy Communion Online Enrolment Form

Please click on the link above and complete the form


For more information on First Holy Communion Programme, please contact our Sacramental Coordinator.

Preparations for First Holy Communion were showcased on Episode 1 of Pareach, our Parish Podcast, where three of our young parishioners reflected on this great mystery of our faith and described how they look forward to the day that they would receive Jesus in the Eucharist. We hope that you enjoyed this episode of our podcast. For more episodes of our podcast, click here.